*Achter de schermen*
Supercoole vondst van agaten in het Kaczawa Mountains, Polen.
Our stafmember Ed digs these thundereggs himself since 2006. In 2010 he discovered a brand new location and named it Eddy Bed. In 2011 he added Dutch Donny to his list and later Wild Iris, Paintbrush bed, Mountain View and others.
Agates can be found at the west bank of the Kaczawa River in Nowy Kosciol (new church) and Sokolowiec. That area is built of quartz porphyries and their tuffs. In the eluvium you can dig porphyry balls, also called thundereggs or lithophysae. They were described for the first time in 1896 by Wilhelm Müller.
These agates date out the Permian period lasted from 299 to 251 million years ago.
The size varies from a few centimeters untill about 50 cm. The balls can contain colourful chalcedony with fortification, mainly red, but also other colours and druses with quartz, smokey quartz and amethyst. Depending on small locations with different mineralisation and geological situation.
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Torenlaan 127
3742 CS Baarn
The Netherlands
Zaterdag van 12.00 tot 17.00 uur en op afspraak
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